LIS Norway is a new subsystem within the LIS-system. It is fully integrated with other modules in LIS, which means that:

  • You have only one LIS icon on the desktop.
  • You use the same databases for customers, partners, organizations, etc.

The system is used to make import and export customs declarations to the Norwegian Customs Service via the Tvinn system. The system includes:

EDI & Tvinn-messaging to communicate with Norwegian Tvinn system via Every®. Handling of messages and different kinds of responses to supervise the status mode vis-à-vis Tvinn.

Import & Export declaration with the use of Norwegian tariff, and currency exchange database. Other programs for monitoring and query routines. For example, production of statistics and loading of the Norwegian customs records.

Swedish Exports to Norwegian Import allows for the creation of a Norwegian Import declaration from a Swedish Export order. Includes programs for translation of EU KN-numbers to Norwegian tariff numbers.